Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Reading Time - November 2018

Because sitting on the couch and reading requires three dogs ... apparently.

Remember, this is a link-up with Steph and Jana, so be sure to click on their names, check out their main posts, and see what everyone else is reading/recommending/DNF'ing ...

Taking a much needed break from running (though contemplating a spring marathon in a new-to-me state) and the time that was spent doing training runs can now be spent on reading, while still avoiding finishing very old DIY projects that I still don't know what the end result was supposed to be.

So, since last month's post ...

Dear Martin, by Nic Stone
Very very similar to The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas. Very. This one takes place in Atlanta and is from a boy's perspective - but a LOT of similarities. I liked THUG better, but this one was also good ... of course, I'm speaking as a WASP-female who's not had any experience with being racially profiled. (ebook and a really quick read)


Whistling Past the Graveyard by Susan Crandall
This was a recommendation from a dear friend who read it in their book club earlier this year. Set in the 1960s in the deep south and focuses on a young runaway and how her eyes are opened to race issues going on in Mississippi and Tennessee. Highly recommend! (real book, borrowed from AKT)

The President is Missing by Bill Clinton and James Patterson
Meh - it was OK. I mean, it had a decent story and didn't get political. I've never read anything from James Patterson ... or from Bill Clinton, for that matter ... so I don't know whose writing style I was reading. There's also a ghost writer who didn't get front cover billing (David Ellis) so it could be all his writing too. This one was a chore to read - but mainly because I kept running out of time on the library loans due to other books I was reading and other things going on IRL. First an e-book, then the real book, then the ebook again (even though my library stopped charging overdue fines for late real books, I felt guilty about keeping the real book to finish). And as word got out about the book, the wait list for both the real and e-books kept getting longer so I made sure I finished it on the third loan ...

Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley - this had been on my 'currently reading' list for awhile and I was tired of seeing it, TBH. I had already read it a couple times (once in college and then a few years later when I attempted to reread/actually read the books I had been assigned in college but skimmed over) so this was an easy read ... which is why I didn't stick with it till the end when I started it. Already knew the ending and all that jazz. This was also the selection for a statewide library read to celebrate the 200th anniversary of its publication. (ebook in personal e-library)

Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham and Jenny Hadfield - granted, this isn't the first time I've read this but I think it's the first time I've listed it on a SUYB post. It definitely helped get me in the mindset for long-distance running and realizing I could do this on a regular basis. Just wanted to list it in case anyone has been thinking about maybe running a full or a half and how to prepare for one. There are training modules in the back for if you want to run the entire time, or if you want to run more than walk, or if you want to walk more than run. I completed three full marathons on their run/walk program and I definitely recommend it! After completing #3 last week, I'm ready for either a new challenge or a new training program. (own copy - but recommended by Rebecca Jo)

Currently reading:
looking for recommendations ... and motivation to finish the house projects.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

What's New With You linkup - Oct recap/Nov lookahead

Grab button for What's New With You
Yay, November! 

But to recap October first:
I completed my first round of the #minsgame (from The Minimalists) and while there were some days that were difficult to complete, I barely scratched the surface of all the crappity-crap at home. If you don't know the 'game', you collect one item on Day 1, two items on Day 2, etc. through 30 items on Day 30 for a total of 465 items donated/recycled/gone from your living space. I didn't count clothing, since we'd already done a closet purge. We took two bags of books to the library for their monthly book sale/fundraiser, one bag of craft items to church, and 4 huge boxes of general items to the Salvation Army. I will definitely be doing this again - most likely January. Join me? 

Fall break - the kids and I just kind of chilled this year rather than go on our annual trip to the beach and it was nice. Plans are in motion for our epic trip in December and it's all I can do not to spill the secrets. 

Family - My sister and I completed a super-speedy and altogether too short trip to see family in Philadelphia. Sadly, we're all at the ages that the only time we see them is for funerals. It was good to see them though and we had a bonus state thrown in the route -- New Jersey - where I *thought* I was finally getting to eat my first cheesesteak sandwich ... only to find out it was roast beef with cheese on it ... which is fine, because I should probably be in Philly for my first "Philly cheesesteak". Twelve states from start to finish in less than 48 hours - yowza. Of the 12 first cousins on that side of the family, five of us were able to gather to say farewell to the third one gone. 

Running - still at it and I get a break after this weekend, but I started the month at the Indy Half in Fort Ben. First time running it and I won an entry to next year so I guess I'll be doing it again! Then met up with some friends to do the Pumpkin 5pice 5k. We were in the portapotty line at the start time so it was fun being able to pass many when we did finally get started. I didn't have any preset goal since it was pretty hilly, but I surprised myself by being able to run the whole thing non-stop and almost got a PR for that distance, even with the hills! 

Reading - meh - I'm still reading but with the weather cooling down, I've been doing more around the house and taking the dogs on walks so it cuts into my reading time. I'll be linking up with Steph and Jana on Nov 13 though so that gives me two weeks to get a move on with the three books I'm currently in the middle of. 

Watching - Alternating between Doctor Who (on #12 now and I admit, I wasn't a fan at the beginning but he's OK now), The Office (finally), finished whatever season of Walking Dead that was recently released on Netflix, and binge-watched Marcella and Bodyguard (both on Netflix). If you like British police dramas, I highly recommend both of those. Marcella is two seasons, but BBC seasons are super-short (5? 6 episodes?). Allie and I also make a point to watch 911 on Monday nights - we're hooked.

Voting - yay for early voting! No excuses, people.

Looking forward to ... 
my 3rd marathon this weekend - don't really have a goal in mind. My first one was to prove to myself I could do it. My 2nd one was a blur since it was during the dumpster fire/emotional trainwreck of 2017 with minimal training (though I did get a PR from the year before). This one will be for me. 

Finalizing plans for the aforementioned epic trip in December - gah! I want to spill the beans!!

My first duathlon later this month

Finishing up some rooms at home

And whatever else life has in store for me.

Your turn ... 

Obligatory year-in-review post - 2020

It's been a hot minute. My last post was in 2019? I figured it's time for an update. It’s long, but I haven’t posted on here in so l...