Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Reading Time and 2018 goals

Linking up with Jana and Steph again ... while also adding umpteen numerous books to my already overlong TBR list ... It's a good day for a good day and reading updates are always good days.

So ... 2017's Goodreads goal was for 40 books. Slipped in #25 right on New Year's Eve ... so that was a fail. Life got in the way and I'm getting back to finding my groove so I'll keep 40 books as the 2018 goal and see what happens.

I like to mix in a classic every now and then - kids' classics included.

I don't think I'd ever read this or even heard of it until it was an Andrew Luck book club selection. Cute book and reminded me of Jasper Fforde's works. Speaking of Fforde, have you read any of his Thursday Next or Nursery Crimes series? Good stuff there.

Then this one ...

I had started it as an ebook library loan but couldn't start it right away so it 'disappeared' after two weeks and I still had a few chapters to go. Put my name immediately back in the queue for the ebook and realized I never cancelled the hold request for the 'real' book - ended up getting the 'real' book first. Took me a little bit to get into this one, but once I got past the first few chapters, I couldn't put it down.

Then this one ...

I had been meaning to read one of her books for years. She was my grandma's favorite author so I felt like I should at least try. Plus, I wanted to see the movie and always opt to read the book before seeing a movie. Pretty good story and I didn't know the ending so it kept me interested to the end.

And ended 2017 with this one ...

I was actually more interested in the book because it takes place in Indiana, more than that the author is an actress. Never saw Jessica Jones or Don't Trust the B**** in Apt whatever-number or even Breaking Bad ... so I'm not very familiar with her. I realize I get stuck on the details and if something's 'off', then it's hard for me to move past that without closure. There were a couple editing quirks that threw me off -- but the plot was good enough to help me get over it.

Currently reading ...

Not sure what I was expecting with this one and I probably won't read the B through Y books, but A is interesting enough.

Since I seemed to read more ebooks than real books in 2017, I had thought I'd set a goal to read all real books in 2018. Going to revise that and just aim for more real books than ebooks ... all was in order to start on my stacks of real books when the news came that Sue Grafton passed away. I downloaded A is for Alibi within minutes and my first book of 2018 consists of staring at a screen instead of holding a book. I'm also in the habit of reserving both ebook and real book versions of the same book, since statistically I know the ebook list will go quicker than the real book list - thanks to books just simply disappearing (magic!) whether the reader is done or not. Also, I noticed that more than half of my 2017 books were library loans ... so another 2018 goal is to read more of my own personal stash (ebooks and/or real books) and then pass those along when done.

Have you read any of these?
Are you a book-loan hoarder? That is, do you put your name on the library list for both real book and ebook versions to see what comes first?
Any book goals for 2018?

I'm off to check out all the other linked blogs and add to my Goodreads list ...

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