Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Reading Time - December

Linking up with Jana and Steph for Show Us Your Books. Didn't get much reading in this month due to overall busy-ness but quality over quantity, amiright? Also, I started 2018 with a Goodreads goal of 40 books and I have 7 to go with 20 days left in the year ... oh well. I hope to knock out a few more, especially during our travel days, but I'm not stressing about it. Comment below with what you've been reading or if you've read any of these, then check out the link-up and see what others are reading.

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
As a native of Indianapolis, I'm embarrassed that this is the first Vonnegut I've read. Little bit science fiction, little bit autobiography, little bit dark comedy, little bit rock and roll. A fast read about Billy Pilgrim (a WWII POW who experienced the firebombing of Dresden, as did Vonnegut) and his life. So it goes.

Dumplin' by Julie Murphy
I had had this one on my TBR for awhile and knew I had to read it after seeing the trailer on Netflix. Great story and highly recommended! Oh ... how different things might have been had I had the self-confidence of 16 year old Willowdean.

Flowers for Algernon
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Another re-read of a book that I read in high school. I didn't think anything about it at the time, but maybe because I have two high-schoolers now, I'm surprised my teacher assigned us this book in sophomore English. Another good story about imposing social norms on those who might be considered lacking - but are they? I wish there were an epilogue though - perhaps from Alice's POV after visiting Charlie at Warren State.

Currently reading: There There, by Tommy Orange

Show Us Your Books. Join the Link-Up! Talk books the 2nd Tuesday of Every Month

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