Doing another half marathon this month while also officially starting training for full marathon #3 to happen in the fall. Went up to Indianapolis for the Mini Marathon at the beginning of May and enjoyed a dinner out with my oldest/dearest friend. My usual pre-race dinner has traditionally been pizza but this one was bratwurst and beer. I'm sure the sodium helped keep my fingers from swelling, as they do when I run longer than a 10k ... and the beer = carbs. Justification. That was also the first race where I was seeing people dropping like flies because of heat exhaustion. Shoulda had a beer?
This was at SunKing brewery in Indpls and that's a Wee Mac (Scottish ale).
We got a puppy in April and it's been all kinds of chaos. The pugs are over it.
Meet Belle. She's part lab, part collie, part shepherd, part kangaroo.
This was during a calm moment during puppy training class.
Reading came to a halt after puppy arrived -- but I had hit a lull anyway so a break was needed. Happy to say the break has ended and I'm back on the wagon.
Currently reading.
Trying out some new foods. Brandless has been a hit at home - even the kids like it. I like it because the items are all $3 (except for the soups - $1.50) and all items are organic and/or non-GMO and/or vegetarian/vegan and/or kosher ... basically, it's good stuff and great prices, depending on what you order. Better prices than Kroger and the delivery is fairly quick. Full disclosure - if you click on this link and place an order, I think you'll get free shipping? or $6 off your order? or maybe it's $6 off and if you order more than $39, it's free shipping anyway? I don't know - I think I get a free item ($3) and the kids have placed their order for what they want next time ... so if you click and order, thank you from me and the kids!
Strict no/low spend month in progress. It is what it is.
Short week and a lot of things going on ... hard to believe it's June, but then again, it feels like time is finally slowing down and I can catch a breath or two. Also trying to get caught up on blog-reading and possibly writing in this one more than once a blue moon.