Monday, January 1, 2018

A letter to my kids to start 2018

So many things - so many changes happened to us and for us in 2017 - so much I want to say and so many tangents I could go off on ...

In no particular order ... and knowing that I'll add to this regularly ... 

  1. Be strong
  2. Be kind
  3. Be consistent
  4. Be intentional
  5. Apologize when you're in the wrong
  6. Don't assume
  7. Stand up for what's right, not what's easy
  8. Help each other
  9. Be there 
  10. Be present
  11. Be yourself
  12. Keep reading
  13. Challenge yourself
  14. Travel
  15. Get outside your comfort zone on occasion
  16. Know that you can always come home - I might not let you stay but you'll always a place to rest and recharge
  17. Volunteer
  18. Stand by your commitments
  19. Remember that quitting isn't failure - not trying is failure
  20. Realize your mistakes and learn from them
  21. Be a friend
  22. Help the animals
  23. Stay curious and don't be afraid to ask questions
  24. Remember that 'family' is whoever is there for you when you need them, not just when it's convenient for them
  25. Get involved 
  26. Look for the good in everything
  27. Trust - but be cautious
  28. Drink water
  29. Try new things ... unless it's illegal
  30. Unplug regularly
  31. Set goals - large and small
  32. Dream
  33. Vote - and educate yourself before filling out that ballot
  34. Donate blood 
  35. Say please, thank you, and you're welcome -- and be sincere about it
  36. Never be afraid to say 'no'
  37. No one is better than you and you are no better than anyone else
  38. Be brave 
  39. Get out in nature 
  40. Exercise
  41. For your mama and for your health, eat some freaking vegetables that aren't potatoes or fried
  42. Get plenty of sleep (meaning go to bed earlier, if necessary)
  43. Find your passion
  44. Brush your teeth
  45. Traditions aren't set in stone - make your own
  46. Remember that your job pays the bills, your hobbies make you happy. If you can find a job that pays you for doing what you love - even better.
  47. Learn how to budget and stick with it. AVOID credit card debt, at all costs!
  48. Sure you can pay someone to do everything for you (plumber, electrician, paint, yard work) but you also need to learn how to do basic repairs on your own. Personal satisfaction.
  49. Be thankful for the learning experiences - because everything is a learning experience. Everything.
  50. Always remember that you are loved.

Obligatory year-in-review post - 2020

It's been a hot minute. My last post was in 2019? I figured it's time for an update. It’s long, but I haven’t posted on here in so l...