Anyhoo ... since my last book post:

Dry, by Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman
Not to get into the debate on if climate change is real or not (it is), but this was a good read. YA Fiction about a drought in California reaching catastrophic proportions and what people do to survive ... apparently NOT leave the area, because then there wouldn't be drama or a book. Side note: A few years ago, I went on a field trip with my youngest where we learned there is a finite amount of water in the world. You can't create more water - what's already here on earth evaporates into the atmosphere and then develops into precipitation. Constant cycle. Maybe everyone already knew this, but I was near 40 when I learned this bit of info. I now do what I can to conserve water - stop leaks, turn off taps, shorter showers or use the water-saving feature.

Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows, by Balli Kaur Jaswal
Well, this was NOT what I was expecting and I was blushing or skipping past parts. But it was still good and I would recommend it. Got this one from the library in time for the 24in48 readathon.

Hello, Sunshine, by Laura Dave
I found this one in one of my bookcases ... no idea where I got it from though and it's headed to the donation box for the Friends of the Library book sale. Quick read and it kept my attention. Main character is a YouTube/cable cooking star who gets 'outed' for not being who she said she is. Good reminder that social media is just selected snapshots of a person's life, not always true, not always accurate, not always the whole picture. Also read during the readathon.

Everything, Everything, by Nicola Yoon
I borrowed this one from my daughter, who had recommended it. She had also seen the movie but we're very good about NO SPOILERS in our house, so I didn't know anything about the book, the movie, or the ending ... which I had guessed pretty quickly. It was still a good and very fast read about a girl allergic to literally everything. I vaguely remember the John Travolta movie (Boy in the Bubble) but not all the plot points -- not sure how similar this was though. Also reminded me of Bubble Boy on Seinfeld ...
Currently reading: The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd
Be sure to jump over to the linkup and see what everyone else is reading.