I finished out the year with some good books, though it helped that we were traveling during some of that time and wi-fi coverage was minimal (if any) in the Grand Canyon. Kicking it old school and thoroughly enjoying it until the kids started complaining.
Since last time ... (links just go to my Goodreads acct - I don't usually leave a review though)
There, There by Tommy Orange

I had wanted to read this anyway and got it from the library during November's Native American History Month ... or let's celebrate turkey and stuffing and give thanks for Manifest Destiny and small pox. I actually finished it on the plane on our way to vacation ... which was mostly located on reservations. Basically, it was a timely book for me. I highly recommend, but I will say that each chapter is in a different POV and it took me a bit to keep the characters straight in my head. (library ebook)
A Dog's Journey by W. Bruce Cameron

First off, didn't realize this was a sequel until I started reading it. I was worried that I should have read the first one, but this is a stand-alone. I will go back and find A Dog's Purpose though. Any book that has me ugly-crying within the first 30 pages should come with a warning. And being 1500 miles away from our doggos while I was reading this? Not good. But I loved this book and highly recommend it to any dog-lovers. I have no desire to see the movie the first book was based on - especially after the controversy that the actor-dogs may have been mistreated ... I can't handle that. I definitely came back home with more empathy? understanding? compassion? for the three pups who greeted us so enthusiastically on our return. (personal collection)

Not really sure what I expected to get out of this but it wasn't what I thought it might be. It was a good book with some good insights, but I skipped over a lot of it. (ebook - own)

I think this was an Amazon First Reads book - it's in my personal ebook collection, but I don't really remember where it came from. Good read though and I recommend it if you like psych thrillers. Apparently it's the first in a series ... because if a book isn't part of a series, is it really a book?
Currently reading: Dry, by Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman